About PhilCST

Brief History of the Philippine College of Science and Technology (PhilCST)

 On July 16, 1990, a powerful earthquake has devastated Dagupan City where leading educational institutions and business establishments were heavily damaged. Massive destruction on public and private properties was described as similar to destructions encountered by thousands of people during historic wars.

Operations of offices, schools, businesses and other commercial undertakings were temporarily suspended. The earthquake has taken its toll on the city’s economic activities and the people were left to salvage whatever is left of them. However, as people continued to adopt the “bayanihan system” to save lives and properties and rebuilt the City and their houses from rubbles, the city gradually recovered through its rehabilitation efforts and resiliency of the people; hence, the reconstruction of the city was realized after three years from the devastation of the earthquake. The restoration of socioeconomic instabilities and cultural ecology that were once established in this place eventually bounced back.

These disastrous circumstances convinced Mrs. Lourdes S. Fernandez, the PhilCST Founder, to put up a school outside Dagupan City to cater the needs of the students, parents and professionals. This dream of the Founder was equally influenced by Fidel V. Ramos’ marching program called “Philippines 2000” which aimed at transforming the country into a highly industrialized nation by the end of the century.

In 1993, the Founder built a four-storey building in Nalsian, Calasiao, Pangasinan which was named Philippine College of Science and Technology (PhilCST). This was the first College Institution built in this Municipality of Calasiao, which is just five (5) kilometers away from Dagupan City proper.

On June 4, 1994, the PhilCST had formally started its overall operations. It offered to the public various degree and non-degree courses anchored on the mission of recognizing every human being as a potential agent of positive change. The primary aim of the PhilCST that time was to provide ‘high quality education’ to children of the residents in the province of Pangasinan and the neighboring towns and cities and province.

In 1996, Engr. Oscar B. Gironella Sr., the Executive Vice President, built an additional two (2) buildings and more classrooms due to influx of enrollees caused by the opening of new programs, namely: BS Criminology, BS Education and AB Mass Communication. Subsequently, library, laboratory, simulation, computer and faculty rooms were upgraded. New multimedia gadgets, tools, equipment, supplies and other facilities were procured from time to time to sustain the needs of the students and the school personnel.

In 1999, PhilCST has achieved a remarkable record when it was included in the Master List of few schools in the country that successfully complied with the requirements of IMO and CHED, making PhilCST the first and only college in the entire Region I to offer ‘Maritime Program’ to be included in the White List.

On June 25, 2000, the Anglo-Japanese American Registrars (AJAR) has assessed, registered and certified the PhilCST’s Quality Management System (PQMS), making the institution the first college in Region I to be ISO 9001 Certified.

In 2001, due to various requests from students, parents and other stakeholders, PhilCST offered additional programs, namely: Architecture, Business Administration, Civil engineering, Industrial Engineering, Sanitary Engineering, and Information Technology, to serve the growing needs of the industries in these fields of specialization.

In 2008, the Philippine College of Science and Technology (PhilCST) continued to move forward towards production of globally competitive graduates, thus, development and progress, and expansion, is at the core of its mission. Management had extended the campus by constructing another four-storey (4) building along the southern part of the school. The building consists of 28 classrooms, an amphitheater and a fully computerized speech laboratory in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors, and five classrooms and a convenient playground for preparatory and elementary pupils of the Mother Lourdes Learning School in the ground floor.

To provide a convenient place for school-related activities, a tall and spacious 150-meter Multi-Purpose Gymnasium was built between the two big buildings. This structure was designed to accommodate sports events; physical education classes; students’ formation and drills; graduation and awarding ceremonies; celebrations, parties and special occasions, and other curricular and extra-curricular activities.

At the start of the first semester 2009-2010, the newly-built structure of Lourdes Building IV which was a three-storey building was opened to the PhilCST community. It consists of additional 16 spacious classrooms in both 2nd and 3rd floors, and an indoor firing range, TLE simulation room, accreditation room, chemistry laboratory room, canteen and the Office of the Research Director in the ground floor.

PhilCST at present, continues to hold on its commitment to achieving its declared Mission and Vision, and determined to transform students to become globally competitive, leadership-and-principle driven, family- and-values-laden, molded with dignity and honor at all times anchored its guiding principle in educating the youth. Owing to this, many of its graduates have successfully passed the Board Examinations given by Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and Trade Tests given by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and, in addition, numerous alumni have been gainfully employed. Criminology program is creating its own niche among the professionals, with its consistent high passing rate in the Licensure Examination. PHILCST’s quest for quality is continuous and committed to deliver success in the future. PhilCST’s duly-certified SOCOTEC compliance with the standards of quality speaks volume of its thrust. PHILCST also has gained its relevance of providing accessible education to all through its partnership, and affiliations with high-caliber agencies, institutions and organizations, who are also willing to help its students to improve and ready themselves for their future career.

With all these developments, PhilCST remains one of the leading institutions in Region I in terms of enrollment development, number of government-accredited programs/courses, board examination performance, and sources of qualified and competent employees. The following are the various offerings of PHILCST in its Basic Education Department:

Your Future Starts Here!

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PhilCST provides quality education to students who are imbued with strong moral character through a well-balanced research and community oriented learning environment that develops critical thinking for maximum development of an individual's talents and capabilities.


PhilCST envisions to produce graduates fully equipped with knowledge, values, and skills, and who are globally competitive in their profession ever ready to render quality services.

Brief History of the Philippine College of Science and Technology (PhilCST)

On July 16, 1990, a powerful earthquake has devastated Dagupan City where leading educational institutions and business establishments were heavily damaged. Massive destruction on public and private properties was described as similar to destructions encountered by thousands of people during historic wars.

These disastrous circumstances convince Mrs. Lourdes S. Fernandez, the PhilCST Founder, to put up a school outside Dagupan City to cater the needs of the students, parents and professionals. This dream of the Founder was equally influenced by Fidel V. Ramos' marching program called "Philippines 2000" which aimed at transforming the country into a highly industrialized nation by the end of the century.

In 1993, the Founder built a four-storey building in Nalsian, Calasiao, Pangasinan which was name Philippine College of Science and Technology (PhilCST). This was the first College Institution built in this Municipality of Calasiao, which is just five (5) kilometers away from Dagupan City proper.

On June 4, 1995, the PhilCST had formally started its overall operations. It offered to the public various degree and non-degree courses anchored on the mission of recognizing every human being as a potential agent of positive change. The primary aim of the PhilCST that time was to provide 'high quality education' to children of the residents in the province of Pangasinan and the neighboring towns and cities and province

A Tradition of Excellence Continues

The Philippine College of Science and Technology (PhilCST), is a premier higher education institution in the North Renowned for its unwavering commitment to high-quality education and comprehensive student development, Philippine College of Science and Technology stands out as a leader in the region. With innovative academic programs, groundbreaking research initiatives, and robust partnerships with industry, it empowers students to thrive in their chosen careers. By focusing on science and technology, Philippine College of Science and Technology is dedicated to shaping skilled professionals who are well-equipped to drive progress and contribute meaningfully to national development and beyond. .

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